An Early Update

So, how's it going so far?

I'll say "Encouraging."
140 folk have watched the CwtP video.
Others have read the first post on this blog or the material at

A long-time supporter who joined the campaign sent me the email she is using to let others know about CwtP, 
"There are many reasons why [we] are committed to supporting PIU.  . . . their commitment of bringing affordable quality education that people would not have access to otherwise. . . . Like many grass roots endeavors it depends on many, many people helping out. . . . Can you be part of this in some way?"

A young couple wrote, We "would like to start supporting PIU. I recently got a job, and we both feel led to give some of our offering to PIU. We were wondering what the best way to do this is."

A colleague in ministry told me that he is reaching out to some people who have an interest in providing Theological training.

Some of our Board Members are reaching out to other churches, people, and foundations.

We have already seen some gifts come in. A month or so out, I'll share some numbers.
Right now, please continue to pray with us.


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